How To Deal With Vampirism When Confronted With It

When an individual is confronted with a possible, or likely, case of vampirism, several questions arise. The first is how the individual can be safe from the negative effects of such activity impacting them or their family, friends or associates directly; the second is the possibility and likelihood of being able to transform or change them; in other words, ‘defense’ and ‘offense’, if you will.

We see quite regularly, on an interpersonal level, not connected to the extreme circumstances associated with vampirism, the idea arise that we can change another individual and overcome their weaknesses or bad habits. Frequently this occurs in relation to a relationship that leads to marriage. There is a connection, a strong connection. There are some bad habits and one individual believes that through marriage they can exercise an influence to change that behavior. It rarely, if ever, works out that way. Eventually one must either recognise the truth of the situation and accept that person for who he (or she) is, or else, an inevitable break up tends to occur.

If we apply this same view to a circumstance where one is connected in some form to a vampiristic being, we can see that the hope for overcoming that behavior is generally misplaced. Thus, the best course for most people is to break off the connection rather than pursue a fruitless effort that leads to even further entanglement, particularly when one reviews the risks and downsides of a relation with a being intent on sucking one’s vital force to the point of potential weakness or untimely demise. It is also important to recognise that time and energy invested in such activities reduces the opportunity for the individual to make substantial progress in other areas of his life.

There are of course individuals who are experienced and skilled in dealing with all manner of vital beings and forces, who recognise the circumstances, and who are capable of entering the fray. For these individuals, the question then comes down to whether this is a mission they are called to take up. For most instances, on a relatively minor level, the answer is that it is simply not the best way to focus their time, energy and action and they need to simply pass by. In some instances, where a larger, more powerful entity is involved who is creating a massive negative impact it may be correct to have that individual stand up and confront the being and bring about its neutralization and destruction. The battle in this case takes place in the vital world or domain primarily.

Because these things take place in the vital world, there is also the issue of whether and how a line of communication has been opened up to create an opportunity for that force to invade and impact the individual. The physical body provides a certain amount of protection, particularly with respect to smaller, less powerful entities, but when we are looking at more powerful vital beings, the physical body is less able to provide sufficient support and the vital forces are not forestalled by physical distance.

A disciple asks: “But how is one to get such creatures [i.e. vampires] out of one’s environment when they are once there?”

The Mother writes: “The vital power incarnated in these beings is of a very material kind and it is effective only within a short distance. Ordinarily, if you do not live in the same house or if you are not in the same company with them, you do not come within their influence. But if you open some channel of connection or communication, through letters, for example, then you make possible an interchange of forces and are liable to be influenced by them even from a far distance. The wisest way with these beings is to cut off all connection and have nothing to do with them — unless indeed you have great occult knowledge and power and have learned how to cover and protect yourself — but even then it is always a dangerous thing to move about with them. To hope to transform them, as some people do, is a vain illusion; for they do not want to be transformed. They have no intention of allowing any transformation and all effort in that direction is useless.”

“These beings, when in the human body, are not often conscious of what they really are. Sometimes they have a vague feeling that they are not quite human in the ordinary way. But still there are cases where they are conscious and very conscious; not only do they know that they do not belong to humanity but they know what they are, act in that knowledge and deliberately pursue their ends. The beings of the vital world are powerful by their very nature; when to their power they add knowledge, they become doubly dangerous. There is nothing to be done with these creatures; you should avoid having any dealings with them unless you have the power to crush and destroy them. If you are forced into contact with them, beware of the spell they can cast. These vital beings, when they manifest on the physical plane, have always a great hypnotic power; for the centre of their consciousness is in the vital world and not in the material and they are not veiled and dwarfed by the material consciousness as human beings are.”

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, The Hidden Forces of Life, Ch. 5 Occult Forces, pp. 121-123

Are There Really Vampires? — the Reality and Nature of Vampirism

The popular imagination about the existence and characteristics of vampires has developed from the famous novel by Bram Stoker, Dracula. From that book we get the picture of beings that survive many hundreds of years, who are shapeshifters , and who drink the blood of their victims, preferably the blood of young, innocent women, in order to gain sustenance and extend their lives. The blood-sucking concept appears to have come from the actions of a form of bat, the vampire bat. Countless motion pictures and extensions of these core concepts have fixed the idea of vampires in our mind as some kind of object of horror and an entire genre of literature and film has risen up and grabbed the attention of popular culture, particularly among the young.

Yet, this conception of vampires and the nature of vampirism is actually a caricature of the actual underlying phenomenon of vampirism. The essence of ‘vampirism’ is the drawing out and depleting of the vital energy of an individual, mostly done by beings through vital interactions, unseen, in most cases unnoticed, and only recognised by the state of the victim after the interaction, a state characterised by fatigue, exhaustion, depression, or dark moods and feelings, vital weakness, physical feeling of being drained. Most people have had some experience of meeting with someone and afterwards stating ‘I get so drained in the company of that person.’ Vampirism can take place on a relatively low level or, in the instance of a vital being actively feeding off of human energetic vibrations, it can take on a very powerful form.

A disciple inquires: “There are some human beings who are like vampires. What are they and why are they like that?”

The Mother notes: “They are not human; there is only a human form or appearance. They are incarnations of beings from the world that is just next to the physical, beings who live on the plane which we call the vital world. It is a world of all the desires and impulses and passions and of movements of violence and greed and cunning and every kind of ignorance; but all the dynamisms too are there, all the life-energies and all the powers. The beings of this world have by their nature a strange grip over the material world and can exercise upon it a sinister influence. Some of them are formed out of the remains of the human being that persist after death in the vital atmosphere near to the earth-plane. His desires and hungers still float there and remain in form even after the dissolution of the body; often they are moved to go on manifesting and satisfying themselves and the birth of these creatures of the vital world is the consequence. But these are minor beings and, if they can be very troublesome, it is yet not impossible to deal with them. There are others, far more dangerous, who have never been in human form; never were they born into a human body upon earth, for most often they refuse to accept this way of birth because it is slavery to matter and they prefer to remain in their own world, powerful and mischievous, and to control earthly beings from there. For, if they do not want to be born on earth, they do want to be in contact with the physical nature, but without being bound by it. Their method is to try first to cast their influence upon a man; then they enter slowly into his atmosphere and in the end may get complete possession of him, driving out entirely the real human soul and personality. These creatures, when in possession of an earthly body, may have the human appearance but they have not a human nature. Their habit is to draw upon the life-force of human beings; they attack and capture vital power wherever they can and feed upon it. If they come into your atmosphere, you suddenly feel depressed and exhausted; if you are near them for some time you fall sick; if you live with one of them, it may kill you.”

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, The Hidden Forces of Life, Ch. 5 Occult Forces, pp. 120-121